Хозяйка дневника: ZebRa  

Дата создания поста: 6 июля 2009, 08:33

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Boredom is a result of laziness and apathy

I myself used to complain of being bored until I found a very easy and conspicuous solution for it: SELF-IMPROVEMENT. I agree that nobody is perfect, but it does not mean that we should not try to become a paragon of perfection. There are so many way to do that! Once I realized that, I regretted how much time of my life I wasted.

You have only one life, and time is precious. So why dont you stop killing hour after hour by posting insipid surveys with desultory questions on myspace, playing online/playstation games, or reading People magazine (instead, do something with YOUR life), and etc (Its not a big deal if you do it just for a bit in order to relax). Anyway, Its high time you started improving your physical and mental abilities.

Shape your body! Even if you believe you look good, you still can make your body stronger and sexier. By building muscles and doing cardio, you will increase your energy level, and youll be able to stay tuned and active without getting tired much longer. Therefore, you will be able to accomplish more things during a day.

Check your diet! Avoid consuming meals that make you feel guilty. If you dont love yourself, nobody will either! So, why would you choose some cholesterol-imbued burger instead of some salubrious repast that will not only expunge your hunger but raise your self-esteem as well?

Learn something new! Dont shirk of trying new things! Explore a field you are attracted to or something that can possibly benefit your career (get some valuable certification) or personal life. You can study a different language, learn how to play a musical instrument, to paint, to knit, to cook, to write, to do carpentry, and so on. If it is too complicated to figure something out on your own, subscribe to a course, ask a friend, find necessary information online, buy a book, a dvd (or get it for free from the library). You can also enlarge your knowledge of history, geography, other cultures, space, anatomy, biology, physics, and etc. People will be astonished by your erudition and will enjoy your company more.

There are so many interesting and useful things to do on your free time; youll be surprised! Therefore, stop moaning that you are sooo boooored, and make yourself a better person!

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