Хозяйка дневника: ZebRa  

Дата создания поста: 9 июля 2009, 01:35

Ко всем записям блога

Late at night...

It's already pretty late, but I have no sleep (probably cuz I took a nap during the day). Thus, I decided to take a look at some maybe. ru members'profiles. Wow, how different we, people, are! I didn't realized that until I saw almost simulteneously so many incredibly different pictures. Looking at some pics, you would wonder "Why in the world would you put THIS pic here?! Are you out of your mind?" Looking at the number of people registered on this website, you can even get quite concerned and ask yourself what happened with real face-to-face communication. The more meanings of communication we create, the less quality time we actually spend with each other. Ain't that kinda scary?
It's just a thought. I gotta admit, I can hardly imagine my life without Internet; still, I'd rather talk to you in person rather than online.

Ко всем записям блога

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