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Занятия разговорным английским
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Занятия разговорным английским
Занятия разговорным английским
По просьбам трудящихся объявляю место и время))
По просьбам трудящихся объявляю место и время))
if you want to improve
if you want to improve
your speaking skills, you should make a rool to write posters here only in ENglish! If that would be so, I could attract native speakers here - so you can discuss ANY SUBJEct in English, not ABOUT English in Russian :-)
By the way, I am enrolling people to the practice group. Lessons will be once a weak, Saturdays, 4pm, though it might be changed. Optimal number of students - 3-5. Lessons go in a mode of play (every student play an English tourist, who does not speak Russian:-)) for multiple interesting life situations (meeting the girl, lost in a city, conflict with a policemen and so on). BELIEVE ME ITS BETTER THAN INDIVIDUAL LESSONS because you get PRACTICE, not only listening a teacher, as on individual lessons. Besides, it is fun :-)
The most exciting movies in ENglish (Im Sam, 50 first dates, WhiteFang etc)are included in the program. Who is interested, phone me 963-623-9042! Marina
By the way, I am enrolling people to the practice group. Lessons will be once a weak, Saturdays, 4pm, though it might be changed. Optimal number of students - 3-5. Lessons go in a mode of play (every student play an English tourist, who does not speak Russian:-)) for multiple interesting life situations (meeting the girl, lost in a city, conflict with a policemen and so on). BELIEVE ME ITS BETTER THAN INDIVIDUAL LESSONS because you get PRACTICE, not only listening a teacher, as on individual lessons. Besides, it is fun :-)
The most exciting movies in ENglish (Im Sam, 50 first dates, WhiteFang etc)are included in the program. Who is interested, phone me 963-623-9042! Marina
Есть кто живой?
Есть кто живой?
Тук-тук-тук! Кто в домике живет? Наверное, мышка-норушка, как всегда... Ну там еще зайчик-побегайчик, лисичка-сестричка... А вас тама, похоже, нет!
Почему? Да потому что на Мейби нужно сначала зарегистрироваться, а потом подать заявку на прописку в ДоМиКе.