Английский клуб
The situation


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ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина  
The situation
ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина
... Looks like: I need a book published in 2011 in Great Britain.
A few years ago Moscow's major bookshops practiced this conjuring trick :))) If you need a book from the outside world - they accept the basic data from you in your handwriting and - 3 months later - they invite you to come and get it! And now, when the Crimea is OURS ))) (or maybe for a different reason) they say: So sorry, No way.
How to manage it? For us, the reading public? ;)
Order via proxy organization let say in Czechia or Slovakia. That is how USSR bought IBM mainframes when traitors sabotaged development of own informatics industry.
ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина  
Would you mind
ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина
identifying the "proxy organization in Czechia or Slovakia"? The contacts, the registered name? )))
ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина  
ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина
This low-life spide - interfering with our discussion - has dealt with "КОБ и ДОТУ"!
МЛЯ, какая только МРАЗЬ!!!

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☍ Поделиться

Тук-тук-тук! Кто в домике живет? Наверное, мышка-норушка, как всегда... Ну там еще зайчик-побегайчик, лисичка-сестричка... А вас тама, похоже, нет!

Почему? Да потому что на Мейби нужно сначала зарегистрироваться, а потом подать заявку на прописку в ДоМиКе.