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The situation
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ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина
The situation
The situation
... Looks like: I need a book published in 2011 in Great Britain.
A few years ago Moscow's major bookshops practiced this conjuring trick :))) If you need a book from the outside world - they accept the basic data from you in your handwriting and - 3 months later - they invite you to come and get it! And now, when the Crimea is OURS ))) (or maybe for a different reason) they say: So sorry, No way.
How to manage it? For us, the reading public? ;)
A few years ago Moscow's major bookshops practiced this conjuring trick :))) If you need a book from the outside world - they accept the basic data from you in your handwriting and - 3 months later - they invite you to come and get it! And now, when the Crimea is OURS ))) (or maybe for a different reason) they say: So sorry, No way.
How to manage it? For us, the reading public? ;)
ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина
Would you mind
Would you mind
Тук-тук-тук! Кто в домике живет? Наверное, мышка-норушка, как всегда... Ну там еще зайчик-побегайчик, лисичка-сестричка... А вас тама, похоже, нет!
Почему? Да потому что на Мейби нужно сначала зарегистрироваться, а потом подать заявку на прописку в ДоМиКе.