(анкета пользователя MAYBE.RU)
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Текст из анкеты:
Я So WHAT, мне 37 лет, живу в г. Москва (или МО).
Мой знак Зодиака - ♍Дева
Я ищу:
- мужчину для дружбы, а может и большего
- женщину только для дружеских отношений.
Я не замужем, ни с кем совместно не проживаю, у меня нет детей.
Мой рост 175 см., стройное телосложение, у меня два высших образования (или более).
При встрече я обычно предпочитаю просто погулять; что касается расходов, то пусть каждый платит за себя сам.
When my feeding time,
She pushed food through the door.
I crawl towards the cracks of light.
Sometimes I can't find my way.
Newspapers spread around.
Soaking all that they can.
A cleaning is due again; A good hosing down
The lady whom I feel maternal love for
Cannot look me in the eyes.
But I see hers and they are blue.
And they cock and twist and masturbate!
I said so..
Black windows of paint,
I scratched with my nails.
I see others just like me.
Why do they not try to escape?
They bring out the older ones.
They point at my way.
The older ones come with lights.
And take my family away.
And very later I have learned
To accept some friends of ridicule.
My whole existence is for your amusement.
And that is why I'm here with you!
to take you
with me to
your eyes are blue
Relief to