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Уроки английского языка
1 год назад
"do not touch me again"
"then dont take my stuff"
they are literally children
19 тыс.

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1 second ago
"they are literally children" -

exactly. There are two conceptually powerful subjects of global politics (the process called globalization): the Global Predictor (GP) and bolsheviks (bolsheviks are not communists). The GP implements refined fascism as a mob-"elite" system. "Elites" are privileged mob. Others are non-privileged mob. Neither "elites" nor the rest understand the existence of the GP and conceptual power. Conceptual power is power of ideas influencing people for centuries and millennia; and also power of people capable of generating such ideas. The GP created state "elites" of traditional colonial powers. "Elites" just eat each other like Tom Jerry. It is the same concept as blind Femida. According to the Full Management Function worldview (non-structured management) is primary, and jurisprudence (structured management) is secondary. Social idiots in parliament, government and court; as well as outside these structures, mostly do not understand that they are forbidden to be conceptually powerful; they have to obey blind and conceptually unaware "hero" of Femida, who is designated to do "justice". In the propaganda of Hollywood you can see pitiful attempts for "justice" of those Literally Children.
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